Nutritional Counseling

Nutritional Counseling

The cornerstone of good health is a healthy diet which focuses on the consumption of whole, natural foods. Your diet provides the necessary building blocks for your body, including your muscles, bones, connective tissue, hormones, enzymes and cells. Poor nutritional status impacts the function of every cell in your body. A health-promoting diet is important for, disease prevention, optimal health, long-term wellness and for supporting your body’s self-healing ability, particularly in cases of chronic illness.

Improving nutritional status may require diet alone, or may require the additional support of specific nutritional supplements. These supplements may be used as a complement to good dietary practices and are implemented only secondarily to a healthy diet. In order to optimize nutrition, we will investigate the link between diet and your specific health concerns, consider which foods are best suited to your age, gender and constitution, identify any individual food sensitivities which may be negatively impacting your health and ensure optimal function of your digestive system.